
I am Vincent.

About Me

I am a 28-year-old urban scientist currently based in Paris, France. Holding a doctorate in physics from the Université Paris-Saclay, my research focuses on developing data-driven mathematical models to understand diverse urban phenomena. I specialize in creating 'parsimonious' models that offer comprehensive insights using minimal parameters.

My work spans population dynamics, income dynamics, street network design, public transport efficiency and city delineation. I have worked in collaboration with physisicts, geographers, economists, architects and mathematicians. My work resulted in muliple scientific publications. Notably, my first-authored publication in Nature addressed a century-old question on city population dynamics, emphasizing the significance of urban planning from a demographic standpoint. Additionally, I published my first book in 2023.

Currently, I am a Research Associate at the Institut des systèmes complexes in Paris. Simultaneously, I serve for the French Ministry of Finance, where I contribute to optimal state-funding of Industry and Innovation projects.

Looking ahead, I am keen on pursuing a position in sustainability planning to further broaden my expertise and contribute to efficient urban development.

Order my new book on City Population online!

About My Work

Nov 2022 "La modélisation des villes : une approche physique du phénomène urbain" in La Jaune et la Rouge.
Nov 2020 "Comment un village peut devenir une mégalopole" in The Conversation.
Aug 2019 "Transit Can Save the Environment, Just Not How We Expected" in Bloomberg.

Education (Find my complete résumé here)

Aug 2022 Doctorate of Philosophy, Paris-Saclay University, Paris, France
Thesis: "The modelling of urban systems" – Supervisor: Dr. Marc Barthelemy
Aug 2019 Master of Science, École des ponts, Paris, France
Public Policies and Actions for Sustainable Development. Government executive program.
Aug 2018 Master of Science, École normale supérieure, Paris, France
Theoretical physics -- Statistical physics.
Aug 2017 Master of Science and Engineering Degree, École polytechnique, Paris, France
Grande école



Statistics and Dynamics of Urban Populations: Empirical Results and Theoretical Approaches, Verbavatz, V., & Barthelemy, M. Oxford Universty Press. Scheduled for issuance on December 21st, 2023.

Journal publications